
I'm lost! Please help with my kitchen.

9 years ago
I got some great advice and help recently with my living room so was hoping I could get some help with my kitchen to : )

I just can't get it to work, I think I've gone wrong in every possible way. I built a workbench (with a little help from husband and yet to be completely finished) using reclaimed wood and then used a scaffolding board for a shelf, as far as function goes it's great, I have a syndrome that effects my hands and so on a bad day it's great for me as most things are in easy reach.....but I just don't know how to pull everything together.

I love the industrial look and also the French look, I want my kitchen to be light and I'm worried that now I've stained the workbench (almost!) that the kitchen will be too dark, even though I have white wall tiles to go up. I did plan to paint the walls white to brighten it up but will this be boring? I have no idea what colour to paint the cupboards (renewing isn't an option with our budget) but have played about a bit with grey as you can see in the picture. I have black grout for my tiles but am now thinking maybe I should use white instead? The light pendants are recycled, originally from a nightclub and they had bronze coloured grills on them, I've included an image of them with the grills, I took them off though because I thought they looked far too big for the space? In the same picture you can see the wood used to build the workbench before I oiled it.....should I of left it this colour, have I made a mistake?

I have no idea what colour worktops to buy, I have a white sink which has been sat in its box for over a month waiting for me to make a decision! I've included a picture of the sink.

I want the kitchen to be light but more importantly I need it to work for me, but I just feel its turning into a mess! Please help!

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