
Welcome some advice on a 1960/70's bungalow renovation please

7 years ago

Hi there,

We are in the process of buying a late 1960's bungalow, I'm interested to hear any ideas on whether to do a loft conversion before we move in (we are currently in rented so will be doing the refit before we move in)... and you'll appreciate why with the photos! Truly bad, just structurally sound!

We are thinking of making a big open plan kitchen/dining/family room using the current kitchen, dining room, bedroom 3, and utility (and part of the garage) with bi-folds across the back. Putting a WC in the back of the current garage, and then a room, for use as an office/bedroom3 if we dont convert the loft straight away.

It needs new heating (currently has an electric boiler!) new windows, would like to render the exterior etc, it has a huge garden and a paddock, circa 2acres.

I'm after any useful advice on heating systems, loft conversion costs, how we know whether any of the internal walls are load bearing..... basically hit me with everything you know!

Thanks in advance, Julie

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