
Please help - sofa and chair arrangement in a very long living room

6 years ago
After living in boxes for months, we are now finally coming to the stage of the more exciting part I.e. getting furnitures for our new house. But after some serious brain damage we really struggled with what to do with our living room. It is a long room measuring 6.5m long x 5.3m wide, sitting at the back of the house opening out to the garden through a big sliding door. It is the only living room of the house so we hope it can serve multiple purposes including being a place to watch TV, as a sitting room for family/friends gathering and a reading corner for ourselves. And In the future we would also like to be able to have some space for kids to play.

I tried to sketch out a few rough design but are not happy with any of them. I attached one of them as an example below (probably one of the better ones I came up so far but hubby is not impressed) So please give me some ideas how we can best design and use this room. Thanks a lot!!!!

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