
Can anyone help me with reconfiguring my home /kitchen layout please!!

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

Can anyone help me with reconfiguring my home / kitchen layout please?

This whole project is driving me crackers now and I keep going around and around. Our current home is a chalet bungalow which has been extended (up into the roof and out the back). We have plenty of space (approx. 2,500 sq ft) but the layout isn’t working for us. We are a family of 4 (2 adult, child of 12 and child of 9) who like entertaining and having friends stay over. We love the fact we have a spare room for visitors which doubles up as a chill out / games room for the kids, I love my study and the fact we can either eat in the kitchen or the dining room when we have guests/friends over!

I have attached 2 plans of the house – current layout with measurements and supporting walls and our possible reconfiguration. We’ve consulted an architect who visited the house for approximately 2 hours but felt sadly is was just a waste of 2 hours as he really didn’t have much to say (I’m guessing because our budget is not huge by any imagination). We have also consulted a structural engineer who was very helpful for the structural aspect.

Issues with current layout:

1) Our bedroom is huge and at the back of the house over looking our sunny garden (which is west facing). As it’s a bedroom the room is barely used during the day. We use the patio outside the room a lot during the summer which means everyone can see in and see the mess!

2) As the internal door is often closed it makes that end of the house very dark and very much detached from the rest of the house.

3) There is also a set of stairs there leading to one room in the loft which is used for guests / working from home. We have a 2nd set of stairs near the front door leading to the 2 bedrooms. We have looked into connecting the 3 rooms upstairs but can’t afford this option. Because of these stairs we have a wasted no mans land area outside our room which is dark and annoying!

4) The current lounge/diner at the front of the house is dark and quite small when we have people over.

5) Current kitchen is awful and needs replacing. It’s not wide enough for an island and too wide to be classed as a galley kitchen. It’s a large space but there is nowhere to sit other than at the kitchen table which is currently in front of the patio doors so it doesn’t block the path from the utility to the garden.

Our ideas to improve the issues (without involving massive structural considerations) are to:

1) Switch the lounge/diner and bedroom/ensuite around.

2) Put in large sliding doors in the new lounge and in the kitchen.

3) Open up the entrance to the new lounge by removing a cupboard enabling us to let more light in and remove the no mans land area by using the back of the garage to make a corridor to access the stairs to the single loft room.

4) Remove the utility wall though keep the boiler and white goods in their current location (they would just be behind sliding doors as opposed to being in a separate room. This would mean we could out the table in front of those doors and a sofa where the table currently is. But would mean the actual kitchen furniture area becomes much smaller.

5) Put a door from the kitchen through to the new lounge as a short cut.

The issues are then:

1) The kitchen (actual furniture) area become very small, difficult to fit everything in without it feeling cramped. I worry it is too small for the size of house and may cause us problems when we come to sell as feel it will let the house down and put buyers off.

2) I can’t work out where the furniture will go in the lounge as the only place for the TV would be on the wall where the door is into the kitchen. I feel then that you’d only be able to put a sofa there without making that area of the lounge feel cramped and blocking doorways which defeats the object! My concern is then if I move the sofa back too far you won’t be able to see the TV! My husband says it should go on the far right wall in the lounge but then you’d have your back to the garden (which seems pointless to me) and I don’t then know where our large dining room table would go!

Sorry for the long post but please, please can anyone give me some help / ideas and I don’t know what to do (though moving house and leaving this to someone else to sort out has crossed mind!) MANY MANY thanks in advance - Keryn (I have the photos saved as PDF's which are much clearer but can't seem to add them - sorry)

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