
Bungalow plans, ideas needed for my architect

11 years ago
I have recently purchased a small bungalow in Wales, UK which i plan to make into my home. I need to get some ideas and appoint an architect. I have attached some floor plans and photos as it is now. I plan to knock down the garage and extend to the left as you look at the property on the photo. There are a few things i'd like to include;
I'd like to keep 3 bedrooms, i think i can extend into the loft but will probably lose the smallest room on the ground floor, so i was thinking i could have one living room including kitchen, all open plan. Which would mean the extension, rear and front rooms all into one main living area. The existing kitchen and 3 existing bedrooms could then be- ideally, 3 bedrooms 1 main bathroom, 1 en suite and lots of wardrobe space, ideally walk-in. I was also thinking about opening the loft space for higher ceilings, maybe raised sleeping areas to create more room in the bedrooms. I also wonder how living in 1 room would be and how the layout would work. Any suggestions?

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United Kingdom
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