
How to paint internal walls & ceiling in a double pitch rear extension

last month

Hi there, hoping someone can help. I'm considering a double pitch rear extension, vs a flat roof extension.

With the flat roof extension, it's clear how to paint it - you can paint the ceilings and light wells white, and the walls, which are the same height all round, another colour. Or if you want, you can colour drench it. But with a double pitch rear, the only colours I've really seen in pictures or people's houses are white or off-white. I'm wondering how it's possible to introduce colour, because if the (sloping) ceilings are white, but the two side walls are another colour, what colour do you paint the gable frames at the patio end and the house end? And does it start to look odd / asymmetric? Then the only other option is to colour drench it to avoid drawing attention to the asymmetry.

If you then colour drench one room in the house, do you end up needing to colour drench it all? And is it possible to part colour drench e.g. walls and ceiling the same colour but skirting and doors white?

thanks for your help, guys!

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