
Flooring change from plank (in hall) into herringbone (in Kitchen)

last month

Hi there,

We are renovating a small bungalow and I'm looking at flooring options. We have a lovely laminate oak that comes in both plank and herringbone. The sales guy mentioned that some people put the herringbone in the kitchen living areas and the plank in hall and bedrooms for cost savings as they look the same but the herringbone design is a bit more appealing. Has anyone seen this or do you think it will look ok?

The hall is fairly open and wide and will lead straight into the kitchen with glass pane doors so I'm mostly concerned that the change will disrupt the visual flow, first world problems I know but still I'm only going to do this once! The kitchen area of open plan is also tiled so that would be another change in flooring.

Do you think it will look ok?

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