
Floor plan help - should we do a small extension Victorian Detached

29 days ago

We moved last year into our ’dream home’, we love it. There is just one small issue and that is that the main family room is long and narrow. The kitchen and the seating area at the front are fine, it’s just the dining space is cramped. We really don’t want to do a BIG extension, its a big house, we use every room (family of five) and we don’t want to be in a situation where we just live in the back of the house.

One thing we are considering is just adding a small extension to the dining space (1m out) so that that area isn’t as cramped, maybe with a bifold out onto the patio. Shown in floorplan.

What do you think? Can anyone see anything else obvious that we are missing? Or give any idea on how much such a small extension would cost? Advice on how to manage the roofline (glaze extension) too.

Many thanks in advance.

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United Kingdom
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