
Help Needed with Render and Window Frame Colours for My Cottage!

20 days ago
last modified: 20 days ago

Hello, I own a small end-of-terrace cottage, I am in the process of updating the exterior. I plan to have the render redone and the windows replaced, and I’m seeking advice on complementary colours for both.

I’m looking for a render colour that’s lighter than yellow but not pure white; something soft and subtle. As I’m colourblind , it’s a bit tricky for me to choose the best combination. My cocker spaniel, Watson, is great company but not much help with colour decisions, so I thought I’d reach out here!

I’d love to see some photos or suggestions from others who’ve worked on similar projects. Any ideas on render and window frame color pairings would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

Adam (and Watson)

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