Large modern galley enclosed kitchen in Tampa with white cabinets, marble worktops, white worktops, flat-panel cabinets, light hardwood flooring, grey floors, a submerged sink and stainless steel appliances.
Dream Coast Builders
Dream Coast Builders
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars43 ReviewsView Profile

150 Bellview Kitchen

Modern Kitchen, Tampa

Welcome to our Houzz page! We specialize in creating exquisite custom kitchens that seamlessly blend functionality with modern design. Our projects feature elegant Fi-FI Hardwood Flooring and Flat-Panel Kitchen Cabinetry, crafted to elevate your space with a touch of sophistication. Explore our range of custom kitchen solutions, including sleek white cabinets, white shelves, and state-of-the-art stainless steel microwave ovens. At the heart of our designs is attention to detail, showcased in our choice of light grey and light wood flooring, complementing the clean lines of a Modern Door and the polished look of a well-organized kitchen. We work closely with Jon Cancellino to ensure every project reflects the latest in interior trends and technology. Whether you're envisioning a complete remodeling or subtle updates to enhance your home, our team is dedicated to delivering exceptional results. Based in Clearwater FL and serving the Tampa area, we offer a full spectrum of services including general contracting, custom homes, and home additions. Discover how our interior ideas can transform your living space into a modern masterpiece. For more inspiration and to see our work, feel free to browse through our portfolio. We’re here to help you turn your dream home into reality!
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