Inspiration for a small contemporary l-shaped kitchen pantry in London with a single-bowl sink, flat-panel cabinets, beige cabinets, granite worktops, green splashback, ceramic splashback, stainless steel appliances, light hardwood flooring, no island, brown floors and black worktops.
Murray & Ball Furniture Ltd
Murray & Ball Furniture Ltd
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars13 ReviewsView Profile

Compact Shoreditch shaker/freestanding kitchen

Contemporary Kitchen, London

Central storage unit that comprises of a bespoke pull-out larder system and hoses the integrated fridge/freezer and further storage behind the top hung sliding door.

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Kate Burt added this to 21 Ways to Store and Style Dry Goods in Your Kitchen21 May 2024

6. Murray & Ball Furniture

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Alison Mence added this to My ideas16 September 2024

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