Design ideas for a medium sized contemporary grey and white l-shaped kitchen with an integrated sink, flat-panel cabinets, grey cabinets, quartz worktops, blue splashback, glass sheet splashback, integrated appliances, ceramic flooring, an island, white worktops and feature lighting.
Lima Kitchens
Lima Kitchens
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars55 ReviewsView Profile

Contemporary, Social Kitchen Space

Contemporary Kitchen

The transformation of this space is massive! By removing the small and impractical utility we have created a bright, contemporary kitchen, giving this kitchen a new lease of life without the extreme or cost of an extension. This modern kitchen is softened with warm oak touches. It is kept clutter free and non-fussy with the clean lines and functional storage implemented from the first stages of design. This family home is now tied together with homely touches and personality throughout and this kitchen is fit to host dinners, parties and gatherings of all sorts.
United Kingdom
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