Photo of a medium sized traditional back rectangular natural hot tub in Atlanta with natural stone paving.
Legacy Landscape Design, LLC
Legacy Landscape Design, LLC
Average rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars14 ReviewsView Profile

Formal Pool with Recessed Spa, Cedar Pergolas

Traditional Swimming Pool & Hot Tub, Atlanta

This was a tastefully remodeled home in Atlanta, It had a Tuscan feel. The clients wanted a classic and simple pool design that was also simple and easy to take care of. We designed and installed this Formal pool with an automatic cover system. The pool also has swim jets on one side for a endless swim. The hot tub is also submerged just below the cover, so it all can be covered to keep it clean and warm. The Cedar Pergolas give a shaded place to relax and the ceiling fans help keep the bugs away. The travertine tile gives the space an eleagant, clean and cool feel. Also note how we dressed up the garage face, using an old fake door and planting to soften the facade. The drainage system is hidden on the outter edge of the pool deck. There is also night time lighting and a drip irrigation system. Mark Schisler, Legacy Landscapes, Inc. .

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Stephanie Faulkenberry added this to Stephanie's Ideas13 June 2022

Pergola fan and curtains

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