Photo of a medium sized contemporary utility room in Bridgeport with marble splashback and beige floors.
Eclectic Design Inc.
Eclectic Design Inc.
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars15 ReviewsView Profile

Glammed Up Laundry and Half Bath

Contemporary Utility Room, Bridgeport

This space was completely renovated. The original cabinets were from when the house was built nearly 40 years ago. The floor is a 12" square stone tile. The washer and dryer are topped by a gorgeous granite remnant with a crema marfil marble subway tile in a brick pattern. The chandelier was my husband's fathers that came out of a hotel. The black chandelier shades with gold interiors add a bit of unexpected glam to the space. The heavy metal benches were recovered in a blue textured vinyl.
United Kingdom
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