Design ideas for a medium sized contemporary single-wall kitchen/diner in London with a submerged sink, flat-panel cabinets, blue cabinets, an island, beige floors, mirror splashback and integrated appliances.
Otta Design
Otta Design
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars12 ReviewsView Profile


Contemporary Kitchen, London

The new kitchen extension provided a foot print of approx 8.6m by 5.6m. We took a small space out of this footage by elongating the hallway to provide a utility room opposite a full height, double coat cupboard before entering the new kitchen. As this is a new part of the house we embraced the modernity and choose sleek, handleless blue cabintery. The bronzed mirrored splashback adds warmth as well as maximising the sense of space. Photography by @paullcraig

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Kate Burt added this to Houzz Tour: An Edwardian Semi Gains Space and Designer Style26 September 2019

Alison delegated the design of the kitchen to a specialist. “I didn’t think I could afford to go to a kitchen designer,...

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petar iliev added this to webuser_966535407's ideas8 February 2025


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