This is an example of a contemporary l-shaped kitchen/diner in Other with a built-in sink, flat-panel cabinets, white cabinets and stainless steel appliances.
Sheffield Sustainable Kitchens
Sheffield Sustainable Kitchens
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars18 ReviewsView Profile


Contemporary Kitchen

Questions About This Photo (2)

bredaobredao wrote:20 June 2018
What Houzz contributors are saying
Kate Burt added this to How to Illuminate Your Kitchen Without Relying on Downlights1 November 2022

Plump for worktop pendantsWorktop lighting in the form of small pendants, as seen in thisSheffield Sustainable Kitchens...

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HU-975080431 added this to My ideasyesterday

the lighting over the the cooker yes, the light over the table might be too low, the light over the sink might be the...

United Kingdom
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