This is an example of a medium sized contemporary front xeriscape full sun garden for summer in Other with a garden path, concrete paving and a wood fence.
K & D Landscaping, Inc.
K & D Landscaping, Inc.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars9 ReviewsView Profile

Santa Cruz Sustainable

Contemporary Garden

Residential home in Santa Cruz, CA This stunning front and backyard project was so much fun! The plethora of K&D's scope of work included: smooth finished concrete walls, multiple styles of horizontal redwood fencing, smooth finished concrete stepping stones, bands, steps & pathways, paver patio & driveway, artificial turf, TimberTech stairs & decks, TimberTech custom bench with storage, shower wall with bike washing station, custom concrete fountain, poured-in-place fire pit, pour-in-place half circle bench with sloped back rest, metal pergola, low voltage lighting, planting and irrigation! (*Adorable cat not included)
United Kingdom
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