Design ideas for a contemporary open plan living room in Portland with light hardwood flooring, a standard fireplace, white walls and a concealed tv.
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Sunset Knoll House

Contemporary Living Room, Portland

The sloping site for this modest, two-bedroom house provides views through an oak savanna to Oregon’s Yamhill Valley and the Coastal Mountain Range. Our clients asked for a simple, modern, comfortable house that took advantage of both close and distant views. It’s long bar-shaped plan allows for views from each space, maximum day-lighting and natural ventilation. Centered in the bar is the great room, which includes the living, dining, and kitchen spaces. To one side is a large deck and a terrace off the other. The material palette is simple: beams, windows, doors, and cabinets are all Douglas Fir and the floors are all either hardwood or slate. Josh Partee Architectural Photographer
United Kingdom
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