Inspiration for a contemporary laundry cupboard in London with flat-panel cabinets, beige cabinets and a stacked washer and dryer.
Cue Group of Companies
Cue Group of Companies
Average rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars10 ReviewsView Profile

The Ladbroke Kitchen

Contemporary Utility Room, London

CABINETRY: The Ladbroke kitchen, Cue & Co of London, painted in Cornforth White, Farrow & Ball SPLASHBACK: Polished plaster, Cue & Co of London WORK SURFACES: Polished concrete, Cue & Co of London FLOORING: Engineered oak, Cue & Co of London SINK: Stainless steel Claron 550 sink, Blanco TAP: Oberon mixer tap with a C-spout in pewter, Perrin & Rowe APPLIANCES: All Neff Cue & Co of London kitchens start from £35,000

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Susannah Hutchison added this to 10 Things You Didn't Expect to Find Behind These Doors25 January 2018

Wash and goWashing machines and tumble dryers are essentials in most kitchens, but they don’t exactly get the heart...

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7db solutions added this to 1083 ideabook Natalie+Tim13 May 2024

guest suite - build in utility example

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