This is an example of a medium sized classic u-shaped enclosed kitchen in San Francisco with shaker cabinets, white cabinets, engineered stone countertops, black splashback, stainless steel appliances, porcelain flooring and an island.
Paragon Kitchen & Bath Studio
Paragon Kitchen & Bath Studio
Average rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars20 ReviewsView Profile

Traditional Kitchen With a Modern Twist

Traditional Kitchen, San Francisco

What could be better than a baking center you can fold away before guests arrive! This one has plenty of counter space for rolling and cutting and of course the pop up mixer stand. Pocket doors make this space ultra functional and when you're done, just slide them closed and enjoy your company. Using traditional overlay cabinetry with a Shaker door style from Showplace Wood Works we created a modern kitchen using flat black quartz tops by Silestone.
United Kingdom
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