Design ideas for a contemporary garden in Charlotte.
Jay Sifford Garden Design
Jay Sifford Garden Design
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars75 ReviewsView Profile

VJ Project

Contemporary Garden, Charlotte

We eliminated one sidewalk step to build a wider grade from which to terrace the top half of the front space. We cut bluestone slabs into "planks" of varying lengths and widths to move the eye outward since the house is a fairly tall structure. The introduction of three solid granite spheres gave us a focal point on the right terrace and satisfied the homeowners' desire to introduce contemporary art into the garden. Granite screenings were added as a substrate and compacted so they do not track and send water towards a french drain system. On this terrace, juniper conferta 'All Gold', a Thundercloud plum and Prague viburnums were added and are "growing through" the substrate to create in essence living art. Photo by Jay Sifford.
United Kingdom
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