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About Us

Echo specialises in the design and off-site construction of distinctive, small timber buildings; contemporary treehouses; and cabins. Each signature element and detail of our site-specific buildings, from the elegant steel substructures and stairways to the bespoke furniture, lighting and interior finishes, is designed and built in-house at our workshops in the south of Scotland. Echo’s clients include country estates; accommodation providers; organisations and individuals . Echo's founder brings over 40 years of design experience to each project, including award-winning restaurant and bar interiors, architectural conversions, and a range of innovative furniture and product designs. Echo’s work features on TV, and in international publications, exhibitions and collections, including GSA and MOMA, New York.

Services Provided

Architectural Design, Design Consultation, Project Management, Sustainable Design, Tiny House Building, Bespoke Small Buildings, off grid cabins, furniture design and makers, metal fabrication, bespoke treehouse and cabins


Theme Best Interior Awards; Scottish Edge Award ; Regional Finalist Civic Trust Award. Publications (XS Small Houses Big Time; Tiny Living Spaces-Innovative Design Solutions; 1000 Chairs); exhibitions (ICFF New York: MAKK Cologne; GSA; collections (MOMA, New York).


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Business Details

Business Name


Phone Number

01556 503858


Units 2 &3 Clarebrand
Castle Douglas, Dumfries & Galloway DG7 3AH
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£80,000 - £350,000

Costs vary depending on design and individual specifications


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United Kingdom
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