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About Us

Gransmore Architects (FKA Roger Gransmore Architect) is a Stroud based Architecture practice in the heart of the Cotswolds. Our studio designs and delivers high-quality contemporary, sustainable buildings with an appreciation of traditional principles and natural local materials. Working throughout the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire and beyond, our work includes domestic extensions, new-build homes and residential led schemes. Our family company prides itself on a friendly and collaborative approach. We are committed to exceeding our client's expectations by offering exemplary service and providing design solutions which define the quality of a project. Our designs are environmentally led, exploring their context to create architecture which values craft and scale. We are committed to achieving architectural excellence by using natural building materials that endure and age with elegance. We have developed an expertise in the use of glass and thermal performance. We produce high quality architecture often from limited budgets and within complex and historically sensitive site constraints. The successful delivery of a project depends on careful cost management. We offer cost advice from the initial planning stage through to completion of a project. RIBA chartered Architects Roger Gransmore and his son Jack Morton-Gransmore work together at the studio located on the glazed balcony at The Old Chapel, Oakridge Lynch.

Services Provided

3D Rendering, Accessible Design, Annexe Design & Construction, Architectural Design, Architectural Drawings, Building Design, Custom Build Homes, Design Consultation, Eco Homes, Floor Plans, Home Renovation, House Extensions, House Plans, House Restoration, New Home Build, Passive Houses, Project Management, Sustainable Design

Areas Served

Stroud, Cirencester, cotswolds, Cheltenham, Chalford, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, Bristol


LABC award


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Business Details

Business Name

Gransmore Architects

Phone Number

01285 760700


The Old Chapel
Oakridge Lynch
Stroud, Gloucestershire GL6 7NZ
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£30,000 - £2 million


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United Kingdom
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