Architects in Little Paxton, Cambridgeshire

Architectural firms plan and design buildings, considering the land area and aesthetic requirements.

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Little Paxton / 25 mi
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Featured Reviews for Architects in Little Paxton, Cambridgeshire

MTB Architecture
Architects in Little Paxton, Cambridgeshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars5 February 2019
“We highly recommend, alternate options gave us insight knowledge to better understand ancillary extension of our Zouk Lounge Restaurant project saved us lot of time and money.”
Cannon Architectural Design Ltd.
Architects in Little Paxton, Cambridgeshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars4 June 2019
“Tom offers a prompt and efficient service and is very good at keeping his customers informed throughout every step of the process. We would definitely use him again!!”
Themack Architects
Architects in Little Paxton, Cambridgeshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars1 April 2015
“Professional, courteous and well mannered, always met with a smile and assured that a project was in safe hands. Themack Architects will deliver on small or large projects and assist throughout all design stages, construction on site, handover of building and conclusion of building contract.”
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