plan  |  it  architecture + design

plan | it architecture + design

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About Us

Architectural design services | extensions | renovations | planning & building regulations advice & drawing survey | concept sketch ideas

Services Provided

3D Rendering, Accessible Design, Architectural Design, Architectural Drawings, Building Design, Custom Build Homes, Drafting, Eco Homes, Floor Plans, Green Building, Home Renovation, House Extensions, House Plans, Site Planning, Structural Engineering, Sustainable Design

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Business Details

Business Name

plan | it architecture + design

Phone Number



108 high street
Cambridge CB248RX
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£350 -

each project is vastly different to the next, therefore our fees are catered to this, a small project warrants a smaller fee, and a larger project, a bigger fee. none - the - less our works and detail and commitment remain the same, from designing someones porch, to someones new home.


Contact plan | it architecture + design
United Kingdom
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