St Jude's Fabrics, Papers and Prints

St Jude's Fabrics, Papers and Prints

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About Us

Founded by Simon and Angie Lewin, St Jude’s collaborates with an eclectic range of artists to create and print unique fabrics, cushion covers and wallpapers. The idea for the company was born in 2005, when a collector of Angie’s prints mentioned that her work might translate well onto printed fabric. We were intrigued by that idea, and spent some time looking into how textiles are produced. We started with the simple aim of producing two of Angie’s designs and taking it from there. Since then St Jude’s has become a small but thriving business. We were delighted to be named winners in the Elle Decoration British Design Awards in both 2011 and 2012. We’ve had the pleasure of working with a number of artists, makers and printers we admire, including Mark Hearld, Ed Kluz and Emily Sutton. We give the artists we collaborate with control over important aspects of the process, such as choosing colourways. And we always provide them with a proper credit for their work. In addition to our design activities, we also run a gallery specialising in printmaking, both through our online gallery at and at exhibitions across the UK.
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Business Details

Business Name

St Jude's Fabrics, Papers and Prints

Phone Number

01603 662951


Norwich, Norfolk NR1 2DN
United Kingdom


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