Bathroom Designers & Fitters in Edenbridge, Kent

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Edenbridge / 25 mi
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373 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Bathroom Designers & Fitters in Edenbridge, Kent

The Brighton Bathroom Company
Bathroom Designers & Fitters in Edenbridge, Kent
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars13 November 2015
“Working with Chris, Paul and the team on our bathroom was a great experience. They understood our brief well which was a bit unusual, we called it 'electro-regency' and as a result the first design they showed us was exactly what we wanted. Chris was good at the detail, arranging for elements that didn't come out of the box to be made bespoke for us, for example we needed a gold electro-plated toilet flush which was all executed well. It took longer than anticipated from start to finish but the time was worth it because ultimately this was time spent on attention to detail. I would recommend for anyone looking to do something a bit unusual and unique to them.”
Sara Levy Designs
Bathroom Designers & Fitters in Edenbridge, Kent
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars4 March 2016
“Sara showed me the bathrooms she designed in her house, and advised me where I could buy similar products, and what worked and what could be improved upon. Sara was a great help in giving me inspiration for the look I wanted in the extremely small space I had to work with.”
The Small Bathroom Company
Bathroom Designers & Fitters in Edenbridge, Kent
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars17 April 2020
“David and Sarah designed and created 2 stunning new bathrooms for our new home. One a spacious, practical Family Bathroom and the other an En-Suite for us grown-ups! I could not praise them more highly. I came full of ideas, but also confused by Pintrest etc. So many photos but I didn’t have a clue where to buy the products or if it would all fit and work. The Small Bathroom Company suddenly brought the design to life and on-budget. I couldn’t believe how easy they made it all look and it saved me so much time. I didn’t have to keep going through brochures and I really trusted their knowledge of installation and all the techniques. The fitters who work with them were just great. Chris and Tom were so friendly, so considerate about our home, I felt comfortable leaving them to get on with the installation. 5 stars, very very pleased and I can’t stop looking at the bathrooms, they are so nice.”
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