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About Us

Nicholas Clarke, over the last 30 years has specialised in making high quality, handmade bespoke furniture. Chairs, tables, cabinets, bathrooms, kitchens, in fact every room in the house. From small to large projects, attention to detail and customer satisfaction are are alway a priority. Based in York, supplying the UK.

Services Provided

Bespoke Bookcases, Bespoke Cabinet Doors, Bespoke Cabinets, Bespoke Fitted Furniture, Bespoke Interior Doors, Bespoke Kitchen Cabinets, Bespoke Kitchen Pantries, Bespoke Media Units, Bespoke Shelving, Wardrobe Design, Bespoke Furniture, Outdoor Furniture

Areas Served


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Business Details

Business Name

Nicholas Clarke Design Furniture

Phone Number

07773 786197


York, North Yorkshire YO26 4RY
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£1,250 - £100,000


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United Kingdom
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