Hardwood Flooring Repair Professionals in Evesham, Worcestershire

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Evesham / 25 mi
14 of 4 professionals
4 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Hardwood Flooring Repair Professionals in Evesham, Worcestershire

Deca design flooring
Hardwood Flooring Repair Professionals in Evesham, Worcestershire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars12 March 2015
“Having looked all over Cheltenham for a stair runner and being met with blank stares (and being told it was so old fashioned that no one did them any more by a well known national carpet store) we were really pleased to find a shop that could not only provide exactly what we wanted but could show examples of their work for previous clients and give us confidence that they knew what they were doing. We were able to chose from a wide range of carpet and borders and although it took some time to have it measured, made and fitted it was well worth the wait. both the quality of the materials and the workmanship are excellent and we would certainly employ Deca Design again”
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