Resin Flooring Professionals in Luton, Bedfordshire

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Luton / 25 mi
115 of 21 professionals
21 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Resin Flooring Professionals in Luton, Bedfordshire

Hertford Flooring Ltd
Resin Flooring Professionals in Luton, Bedfordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars15 December 2017
“A thoroughly professional service from start to finish . From the initial quote , through to the fitting of carpet and blind , all aspects were carried out efficiently and within an acceptable time frame . Would definitely recommend this friendly , local company .”
We Think Resin
Resin Flooring Professionals in Luton, Bedfordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars13 April 2020
“I am happy to work with WE THINK RESIN ! We are EPI Group in The Netherlands and we produce resin floorings products. We have hired WE THINK RESIN's installation services multiple times for installations in multiple countries. Overall quality and accuracy have always been excellent. Owner Mr Gert de Graaf always keeps his promise and he will do "an extra mile" when necessary. We can highly recommend WE THINK RESIN for any resin floor installation in the UK or anywhere. Keep up the good work Gert ! Bertil van Delft (partner EPI Group)”
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