Garden Office Builders in Lancing, West Sussex

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Lancing / 25 mi
115 of 22 professionals
22 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Garden Office Builders in Lancing, West Sussex

Miniature Manors
Garden Office Builders in Lancing, West Sussex
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars18 February 2015
“Miniature Manors provided us with a bespoke garden room with adjoining gazebo. Richard & his team took on all of our requirements and created a beautiful design which fits our garden perfectly. We were very happy with the service that we received from start to finish. We can't wait to use the garden room again this year!”
Luna Spaces
Garden Office Builders in Lancing, West Sussex
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars3 October 2020
“We engaged Luna Spaces to design and build a studio space at the end of our garden, and we were extremely pleased with the result. The finished product was a stylish, well integrated design - we particularly like the dome in the middle, which creates a conservatory effect and gives the space excellent height. Couldn’t recommend them highly enough.”
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