Shed Design & Construction Professionals in Reading, Berkshire

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17 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Shed Design & Construction Professionals in Reading, Berkshire

Bathstone Garden Rooms
Shed Design & Construction Professionals in Reading, Berkshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars12 December 2019
“We used Bathstone for our village Tennis club renovation in December. I cannot recommend this company enough...not only did they finish early, but came in under budget...when does that ever happen? The guys were tidy and respectful and nothing was too much trouble. Andrew is very knowledgeable and patient, coming up with some fantastic ideas which has meant that we have been able to preserve our beloved club hut of 30 years for another 30....I will post a picture once the hut is painted”
Rourke Carpentry
Shed Design & Construction Professionals in Reading, Berkshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars23 November 2014
“Neil Rourke is the best kind of trustworthy, quiet, capable craftsman. He works methodically to an excellent standard. He provided the full range of carpentry needed when we built a house. He also constructed out buildings to house our bicycles and recycling bins, plus a porch with seats and a large covered terrace. Indoors he makes beautiful, bespoke cupboards and large adjustable bookshelves which we admire every day. I cannot recommend Rourke Carpentry highly enough.”
i3 studios
Shed Design & Construction Professionals in Reading, Berkshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars6 January 2021
“I3 have over many years delivered first class design and delivery of projects . Always creative with an extra sparkle to make things stand out .”
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