Design and Build Companies in Banbridge, Down

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Banbridge / 25 mi
115 of 49 professionals
49 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Design and Build Companies in Banbridge, Down

Terry Design
Design and Build Companies in Banbridge, Down
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars22 June 2015
“Beautiful products. High quality finish and excellent service. Everyone working for the company was pleasant to work with. Follow up service was very good. The whole process was a positive experience.”
Carters workshop / Lawrence street workshops
Design and Build Companies in Banbridge, Down
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars16 April 2017
“These guys are not only fantastic craftsmen but they are also very creative who take incredible pride in their work and to top it off they are honest. Now that is very hard to come by in this day and age. Wouldn't think twice about using them again and again. 10 out 10”
Design and Build Companies in Banbridge, Down
Average rating: 4 out of 5 stars12 June 2016
“Our project is a barn conversion and Wilsons stock all kinds of reclaimed products, their staff are well informed and most helpful”
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