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About Us

Time to say goodbye to low water pressure! Pump World offers a broad range of water pressure pumps for boosting showers, multiple bathrooms, whole house, and mains cold water supply. We offer a full booster pump/system specification service to help you successfully boost your water pressure. Call 01793 820142 to speak to a technical advisor or fill in our ‘Specify’ form: http://www.pumpworld.co.uk/Specify Our water pressure booster range includes fixed and variable speed single booster pumps, electronic booster systems, plus twin and trio booster pump sets. These can be supplied on their own or with a break tank and/or hot water cylinder. Please speak to our pump specialists on 01793 820142 to check what equipment you need. What is a booster pump? A booster pump, sometimes known as a water pressure pump, mains boost pump, or bathroom pump, is a type of pump used to increase the pressure and/or flow of a fluid, in this case, water. A booster pump is fitted with either a variable speed motor or a fixed speed motor. Those pumps with variable speed motors reduce energy consumption, noise emissions and water hammer. This is because the pump only runs when it is needed. Those pumps with fixed speed motors work at a “fixed” or stable speed continuously. Which water pressure booster pump do I need, and how to design a booster pump system? To correctly size a booster pump, you need to consider a number of factors. For example, the number and location of bathrooms, flow rates of showers, house occupancy, space for storing pump equipment, and access.

Services Provided

Bathroom Design, Pump & Project Specification, Whole House Boosting, Potable Water Storage, Mains Pressure Boosting, Waste Water Removal, Domestic & Commercial Applications, Pump Shop, Specify & Service, Low Water Pressure Pump Specification & Supply

Areas Served

Swindon, London, South West England, South East England, Midlands


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Business Details

Business Name

Pump World

Phone Number

01793 820142


Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 4WA
United Kingdom


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