Door Companies in Claydon, Oxfordshire

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Claydon / 25 mi
115 of 26 professionals
26 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Door Companies in Claydon, Oxfordshire

Lite Haus UK
Door Companies in Claydon, Oxfordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars29 June 2018
“Our bifolds were fitted by Lite Haus Coventry four years ago, the product is brilliant. It has transformed the way we live in our house, spending most of our time in the orangery. The after sales service is excellent, we asked Lite Haus to come out and rectifify a couple of minor defects regarding seals, the first time we have had to call them after having the doors installed four years ago. The seals were replaced and minor adjustments were made, the door still operate as they did on the first day they were installed.”
Door Companies in Claydon, Oxfordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars7 November 2016
“After endlessly searching for internal letterboxes that don't let the draft in or rattle we came across eco-flap! Great product and does the job.”
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