Door Companies in Rotherham, South Yorkshire

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Rotherham / 25 mi
115 of 54 professionals
54 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Door Companies in Rotherham, South Yorkshire

Panoramic Group UK
Door Companies in Rotherham, South Yorkshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars18 October 2018
“I have to say that Panoramic Doors (UK) are a fantastic company that I am delighted to have worked with. Innovative, design led products and fantastic customer service. Lisa and Louise are both lovely. I simply cannot recommend these guys highly enough! It's a 5 out of 5 from me!”
Longden Doors Ltd
Door Companies in Rotherham, South Yorkshire
Average rating: 4 out of 5 stars29 March 2016
“Longden Doors have been very professional in dealing with our orders for 2 no contracts in Cheltenham. They have visited site & under taken a site measure. All working drawings have been to a good standard & information on the cutting list was very clear & concise. The only down side is that delivery can be up to 8 -10 weeks.( This can cause problems on a refurbishment contract) However the doors are a quality product so that may determine the delivery period.”
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