Henleys Security Doors

Henleys Security Doors

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About Us

Our made to measure doors look like standard internal doors but have a hidden solid steel core. They can be made with any exterior finish so are great for designers, architects and builders. UK police approved. We also manufacture external doors, safe room and panic room doors.

Services Provided

Bespoke Doors, Door Hanging, Door Painting, Exterior Door Installation, Safe room installer, Steel door manufacturer, Bulletproof walling installer

Areas Served

Sutton Coldfield, London, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, UK, Cardiff, Glasgow, England, Scotland, Wales


BR2 burglary rating standard (which is equivalent to BRE Global LPS1175 SR2) accreditation by Exova testing.


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Business Details

Business Name

Henleys Security Doors

Phone Number

0121 308 5000


Morford Road
Walsall, West Midlands WS9 8TF
United Kingdom


Contact Henleys Security Doors
United Kingdom
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