Driveway Pavers in Potters Bar, Hertfordshire

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Potters Bar / 25 mi
115 of 93 professionals
93 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Driveway Pavers in Potters Bar, Hertfordshire

Potters Bar Paving
Driveway Pavers in Potters Bar, Hertfordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars30 January 2017
“Carl was a pleasure to deal with and the work he provided was of excellent quality. We had new wooden fence panels, block paving and brick gate posts built, all work was completed on time and as per the agreed quotation. I will certainly be using Potters Bar paving for future projects when needed. Stuart & Tracey”
D Plumridge | Driveway & Patio Construction
Driveway Pavers in Potters Bar, Hertfordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars22 April 2016
“After contemplating as to whether to have a drive to the front or not, I'm glad to say we chose the right decision. Darren and his team have created a lovely drive and areas for planting. We had our own rough drawing as to what we wanted. Throughout the job we were often asked what we required and a few times the team came up with much better ideas than we had originally thought. I chose D.Plumridge due to the fact that every drive I'd seen of theirs always looked of a good standard. When a friend referred them to me I had no doubt as to their workmanship. From having the worst front garden in the street I've gone to having the best! Thanks Darren.”
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