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About Us

Services Provided

CCTV Installation, Decking Light Installation, Electrical Installation, Electrical Repair, Extractor Fan Installation, Fuse Box Installation & Repair, Home Security, House Wiring, Lamp Repair, Lighting Design, Lighting Installation, Outdoor Lighting Installation, Plug Socket & Light Switch Installation, Recessed Lighting Installation, Thermostat Installation, Thermostat Repair, TV Installation, Painting and decorating

Areas Served

Milton Keynes, Ilford


City and guild 2330 level 2 and level 3 inspection and testing. City and guild PAT testing course from Milton Keynes college.


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Business Details

Business Name

Gill Electrical ltd

Phone Number

07534 244162


Milton Keynes Mk14 6ax
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£100 - £20,000


Contact Gill Electrical ltd
United Kingdom
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