Victor Sparks electrical

Victor Sparks electrical

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About Us

electrical,home improvement ,plumping and general building work

Services Provided

Cable/Line/Aerial Installation, Decking Light Installation, Eco Homes, Electric Fire Installation, Electric/Gas Hob Installation, Electrical Inspection & Testing, Electrical Installation, Electrical Repair, Extractor Fan Installation, Home Automation, Home Cinema Installation, Lighting Design, Lighting Installation, Outdoor Lighting Installation, Thermostat Installation

Areas Served



City and Guilds . 10 years experience


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Business Details

Business Name

Victor Sparks electrical

Phone Number

07766 490755


129 semilong road
kingsthorpe hollow
NORTHAMPTON, Northamptonshire NN2 6HJ
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£40 - £5,000

small jobs to complete rewires


Contact Victor Sparks electrical
United Kingdom
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