Fence and Gate Installers in Haywards Heath, West Sussex

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Haywards Heath / 25 mi
115 of 16 professionals
16 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Fence and Gate Installers in Haywards Heath, West Sussex

Stark and Greensmith
Fence and Gate Installers in Haywards Heath, West Sussex
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars22 May 2017
“I have recently used screens provided by Stark & Greensmith on a garden I designed in south west London. The screens are great, versatile products, and in this instance, we used them against a wall and back lit them. The client is thrilled with the final look. Customer service has been excellent throughout.”
W L West and Sons Ltd
Fence and Gate Installers in Haywards Heath, West Sussex
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars15 November 2016
“Great products and sales team top notch. Have been dealing with W.L. West and Sons for many years and they are continually improving. Recently they made a bespoke fruit cage in seasoned Oak and the customer and I were impressed. Their gates are as good as any manufacturer in the country.”
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