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About Us

We are British designers and suppliers of laser-cut fence panels, garden screens, gates, pergolas, moongates and planters, for use in outdoor spaces ranging from commercial, hospitality, leisure, educational and public realm through to domestic gardens. Our products are not just pretty, they're tough as well. We produce our panels in a choice of either powder-coated aluminium or corten steel, while the fence posts are made of super-strong powder coated aluminium rectangular box section (which won't rot). Our materials are recyclable, maintenance-free and offer a superior lifespan in comparison to either wooden products or powder coated mild steel.

Services Provided

Gate Supplies, Garden Screening, Modern Fencing, Bespoke metalwork, metal garden screens, metal garden gates, metal vehicle gates, Decorative metalwork, moongates, pergolas, planters, Decorative corten

Areas Served

Reigate, London, Richmond, Devon


Creative Director, Martine Le Gassick, has a degree in textile design from Brighton University, and has a diploma in interior design from SBID. Managing Director Mat Webb-Jenkins is a certified project manager and member of RICS.


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Business Details

Business Name

Stark and Greensmith

Phone Number

01737 701088


Reigate, Surrey RH2 9RA
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£250 - £30,000

The above details are a general ballpark, please contact us for a more customised quote.


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United Kingdom
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