Furniture Selection Professionals in Speldhurst, Kent

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Speldhurst / 25 mi
115 of 43 professionals
43 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Furniture Selection Professionals in Speldhurst, Kent

Jackdaw Joinery & Furniture Makers
Furniture Selection Professionals in Speldhurst, Kent
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars30 November 2021
“I have always loved handmade kitchens, so I got this company to make one of their bespoke kitchen for my London home, and it looks stunning, turly exceptional work, thanks.”
Hennis Upholstery
Furniture Selection Professionals in Speldhurst, Kent
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars19 June 2018
“I have used the services of Hennis Upholstery for more than 12 years making headboards, bespoke furniture and curtain installations. They are incredibly experienced and resourceful and have a positive can do attitude and have a very good connection with my clients who can be tricky and demanding. I have no hesitation to recommend them.”
Mark Gates, Furniture Maker, Designer
Furniture Selection Professionals in Speldhurst, Kent
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars13 February 2018
“Hi there I have used mark twice .. for my kitchen and for panelling my downstairs loo. He is a true professional and anything he makes he regards as a piece of art ! I am really happy with his work . No one has a bad word to say about him . He is very respected in his field . Well done mark and thanks you !”
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