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About Us

I take unwanted pieces of furniture and hand paint them back to life.

Services Provided

Source furniture to your requirements, discuss and create a colour and finish for the piece, use a piece of furniture that you already have and upcycle to your specifications using paint, wax, wood stain and varnish. Please note I do not upholster or restore antique furniture.

Areas Served

I am based in Culcheth and due to the nature of the business furnitire can be brought to me with a couple of days notice.


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Business Details

Business Name

Vintage Cat

Phone Number

07925 889460


Warrington, Cheshire WA34NB
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£20.00 - £5000.00

The cost will depend many different things a few things to consider are the size of the item, the detail on the piece, how many items are in the set ie dining table and chairs.


Contact Vintage Cat
United Kingdom
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