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About Us

Marston & Langinger by Alitex brings together a pre-established architectural presence with design aesthetics and engineering expertise. It is the perfect combination of skills and experience that enables us to create some of the most beautiful large bespoke glass buildings in the world. Our expertise in complex design solutions gives you the assurance that we build single and double glazed spaces in timeless aluminium to the highest level of quality. Each project incorporates environmental consideration ensuring that, no matter whether single or double-glaze for people or plants, the structure is tailor made. Working on a global scale, we also have much experience working with world-renowned architects, sensitive sites and listed buildings. Together, we can push the boundaries of design and engineering; creating some of the largest and most intricate glasshouses, garden rooms and conservatories, all manufactured here in the UK.

Services Provided

Conservatory Design & Installation

Areas Served

United Kingdom


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Business Details

Business Name

Marston & Langinger by Alitex

Phone Number

01243 214550


Torberry Farm
South Harting
Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 5RG
United Kingdom


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United Kingdom
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