Builders in Bromyard, Herefordshire

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Bromyard / 25 mi
115 of 92 professionals
92 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Builders in Bromyard, Herefordshire

Orchard Building Services
Builders in Bromyard, Herefordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars29 January 2017
“Daren has worked for me on a major domestic renovation project including new build elements on an 1850 property. He is incredible versatile, for example handling both the historic lime plaster renovations and new build brickwork the later being so good that even the building control inspector remarked on its quality. Daren and another local builder who I employed at the same time worked incredibly well together using their complementary skills. Both were prepared to listen and together work out with me (the client) solutions to the frequent problems that occurred with the project due to shoddy workmanship prior to my ownership.”
Eckley Carpentry & Building Ltd
Builders in Bromyard, Herefordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars30 July 2022
“Fantastic job by Jon Eckley and the team. These guys genuinely care about the end result. We are so pleased with our garage conversion (to a sitting room). Such high quality, professional work. It's so refreshing refreshing to have a team with such a positive approach, we can't recommended them highly enough.”
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