Builders in Great Billing, Northamptonshire

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Great Billing / 25 mi
115 of 379 professionals
379 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Builders in Great Billing, Northamptonshire

Alwa Interior Design Studio
Builders in Great Billing, Northamptonshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars11 April 2019
“Alicia helped me redesign my leaving room and it was amazing! She truly understood the emotions I wanted to achieve with the new interior and made my leaving room my perfect space! Working with Alicia was fantastic, she was creative and quickly put my random ideas into a cohesive plan. She simply understood me and my house :-)”
Ascot Property Solutions Limited
Builders in Great Billing, Northamptonshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars31 December 2020
“Les and the team were friendly and easy to work with. They stuck to their budgets and worked hard to get everything completed as quickly as possible.”
MTB Architecture
Builders in Great Billing, Northamptonshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars5 February 2019
“We highly recommend, alternate options gave us insight knowledge to better understand ancillary extension of our Zouk Lounge Restaurant project saved us lot of time and money.”
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