Builders in Lyneham, Wiltshire

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Featured Reviews for Builders in Lyneham, Wiltshire

Lacey Architecture
Builders in Lyneham, Wiltshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars20 June 2017
“I found Verity through a contact to help complete the planning stage of an extension that had become bogged down. She brought a highly structured approach to the process and good insights, imagination and flexibility to the development of the design. She was able to give a good steer through the various planning process hoops with an ultimately successful outcome - that despite the best efforts of the planners. I would very happily recommend her to others undertaking similar work.”
Milton Architects
Builders in Lyneham, Wiltshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars22 September 2015
“We employed Milton Architects to help us with a major (for us) project in transforming our rather quirky 1911 house. The project took c10 months and we made it more difficult for the architects and contractors by choosing to live in different corners of the house while work carried on around us. We are delighted with the end result. Mike Milton brought many innovative elements to the overall design and equal emphasis was placed on the practical considerations such as construction, plumbing, electrics and sourcing. The project incorporated constructional changes, renovations and improvements, two new extensions and a few demolitions. MA handled the project management very well, first through Mike and then his colleague Ros Leverett. The project - having allowed for the constraints and problems encountered along the way (asbestos, rotten timbers, crumbling foundations ...) was very close to the original budget and timescale, and the interactions with the construction company exemplary. So in conclusion we are very pleased to recommend Milton Architects highly and unreservedly for any project remotely similar to our own.”
Hawker Joinery
Builders in Lyneham, Wiltshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars15 October 2016
“Over ten years ago we employed Hawkers to replace all external windows and doors to our house and to supply new cabinets for the bathrooms. We were, and continue to be pleased with the quality of manufacture and installation. This year, we asked Hawkers to return for maintenance. - Only two units required significant adjustment, the rest of the maintenance was routine.”
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