Interior Designers in Caistor, Lincolnshire

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82 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Interior Designers in Caistor, Lincolnshire

Eeksby Design
Interior Designers in Caistor, Lincolnshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars30 July 2024
“Wendy went above and beyond to cater for our needs. No job was too small. Her drawings were very easy to read and the concept of the layout was exactly what we wanted. Wendy is not only professional in what she does, but also understands what is needed on a personal level. Thank you Wendy for giving us our space with so much attention to detail . Will completely recommend Eeksby Design for any future projects.”
Victoria Covell Interiors
Interior Designers in Caistor, Lincolnshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars19 December 2019
“We hired Victoria after meeting her at an event - after showing her our new office space and our simple, one-word brief of "jungle", she sprung into action contacting joiners, painters, upholsterers and furniture companies on our behalf. After presenting ideas to us: full with moodboards, visuals and costings, we approved the project and it quickly came together; admittedly had contacted her rather late considering the looming project deadline we'd set!! Staff and clients love the space that Vic designed for us - it's unlike what they've seen before in an office around here. Things we'd never thought about were considered: making use of building quirks to our full advantage: no corner was forgotten about! I'd highly recommend working with Vic on upcoming commercial/residential projects! Looking forward to my next home - it's going to look great! ☺”
Julie Ball Designed Interiors
Interior Designers in Caistor, Lincolnshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars29 April 2015
“I recently worked with Julie and it was a pleasure. She is a wonderful designer with a real eye for detail. From drawing board to installation, she takes her client's wants and needs and makes them a reality.”
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