Interior Designers in Catshill, Herefordshire

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Featured Reviews for Interior Designers in Catshill, Herefordshire

Fable & Willow
Interior Designers in Catshill, Herefordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars29 January 2020
“Over the last 12 months Fable and Willow have provided me with 2 sets of gorgeous handmade curtains and 3 blinds as well as extra touches such as lampshades and draft excluders to really finish my rooms off. I would highly recommend as Emma goes the extra mile to make sure you have exactly what you are hoping for to the budget you have but with still ensuring the quality is there. I will certainly continue using Fable and Willow to help me finish off the rest of my house with their beautiful handmade products.”
Bayswater Interiors
Interior Designers in Catshill, Herefordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars18 May 2015
“Bayswater Interiors have provided an ongoing, excellent service that has been bespoke to my ideas and requests. Gemma has been very resourceful and helped to personalise my "projects"....from pineapple lamps to flaming beanbags, she has found them all. She most certainly has an "eye" for detail and will respect your budget and timescales. Thank you!”
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